Neth Sary
Neth Sary was born on Thursday, March 08, 1979 in Battambang. His father, Neth Neav, 1942-2006 and his mother, Nak Thou and they was both born in Kampot. Mr. Sary has five brothers and he is a second son in family. First, Neth Phoeuth, August 10, 1970. Third, Neth Run, March 01, 1980. Forth, Neth Rath, August 08, 1985, and the last one, Neth Seyha, August 26, 1989.
Mr. Neth Sary has finished Master of Education Science in 2011.
Today, he is an Officer of Technical Research Office of Ministry of Interior and a lecturer in universities in Cambodia.
Neth Sary
H/P : (855) 12 234 385 / (855) 97 9547 097
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