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5 Tools for Building an Author Platform with Promotional Materials

Book promotion is an essential part of the self-publishing process. Readers and sellers must be aware of a book before they can make the decision to purchase it. The Promotional Materials Package provides authors with all of the print materials necessary to successfully market a book. Here are five of the most popular print materials and how they can launch an author's platform above all of the rest :
  1. Business Cards -- These are good for handing out at events, brand building opportunities. They are both convenient and traditional with full-color dimensions of 2" x 2.5".
  2. 25 Posters -- These 11 x 17 posters are great ways to promote current events.
  3. Bookmarks -- Though small, bookmarks are rather valuable and very few people throw away bookmarks.
  4. Publication Announcements -- In this day and age of email, receiving a notice in the mail has a high perceived value.
  5. Postcards -- These make for a quick and easy mailing that not only promotes your book but also allows you to share a quick hand-written note with family, friends, and acquaintances.
Reference :
- http://www.sfgate.com