1st National Book Fair 2011
The National Library of Cambodia is pleased to announce the inaugural National Book Fair to be held over 3 days at the National Library. The National Book Fair will encompass a combined event with the French Cultural Center and French Embassy and include the Phnom Penh Post exhibition, author participation and reading forums. It will involve story-teller, writers and publishers. With 3 days of events it is an opportunity to showcase publishing, reading for learning and reading for fun to all Cambodia.
25-26-27 November 2011
8 : 20 Arrival guest and International guest
8 : 25 Arrival of French Ambassador
8 : 30 Arrival of Ministry Culture and Fine Art
8 : 35 Open Program
- Department Book and Reading (Report)
- Speech of French Ambassador
- Speech of Minister of Ministry Culture and Fine Art
- Open Ceremony
- Story tall by SVA, Sipar and Department Book and Reading
- Closing