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Northwest Writer Learns the Hard Way that Publishing Ebooks Is Easy

(openPR) - Northwest author R. H. Sheldon has been a writer most of his life. He’s written everything from restaurant reviews to advice columns, legal summaries to news stories, training material to technical documentation. His publications include features articles, short stories and the novel ‘Dancing the River Lightly’. But now he’s pushing into new territories—the world of Kindle and Nook and iBooks and digital publications.

There’s good reason for his move. In 2010, retailers such as Amazon, the Apple Store and Barnes & Noble sold close to 100 million ebooks. This year, they anticipate selling 500 million. And by 2014, retailers expect half their book sales to be electronic publications. “That’s a hell of a lot of books,” Sheldon says, “and anyone who writes, edits, publishes or sells books had better be paying attention.”